*********************************** * * * Release Notice. * * MRP 70 Version 1.3.2 * * * *********************************** 1. INTRODUCTION ******************** This document contains information for the 1.3.2 release of the MRP 70 software package and its accompanying modules. 2. RELEASE SOFTWARE ************************ This release contains the following files: MRP70.EXE MRPHELP.HLP MRP70.TXT SAMPLE2M.DAT SAMPLE6M.DAT 3. INSTALLING THE MRP 70 SOFTWARE ********************************* It is highly recommended that you make a backup of this disk before installing the MRP 70 software on your system. Although the MRP 70 software will run from your floppy drive, we recommend that you install the MRP 70 software on your hard drive. To install the MRP 70 software on your hard disk, put the MRP 70 software release disk in drive A: or B: of your computer. 1) Make a directory called MRP on your hard drive. 2) Copy all the files on the distribution disks to this directory. For example, to install the MRP 70 software on the C: drive of a hard disk with the distribution disk in drive A, you would type the following: MD C:\MRP COPY A:\*.* C:\MRP 4. NEW FEATURES MRP70.EXE - V1.3.2 ********************************** - Modified Options Screen to allow for RT85 Options. - Corrections to formatting of Z273 Options/Heading display and printout. - Fixed formatting of second line of Scan B printout. - Store highest programmed channel for RT85 and remove duplicate channel frequency data. - RT85 150MHz, NO MOD Tx frequency data stored incorrectly due to invalid TxIF. TxIF now set to 20.48MHZ (was 19.2MHz). - Incorrect storage of some frequencies in the 150MHz band (for both Z273 and RT85) due to floating point conversion rounding error. New conversion algorithm inplemented. - Mods to correctly display default Z273 Options data when reading data from EPROM with no programmed options. - Display offset for Scan A/B channels 10 and 11 corrected. - Updated help screens and minor display modifications. Austec Systems (c) 1996