*********************************** * * * Progmod version 1.0 * * * *********************************** 1. Introduction *************** This document contains information for the 1.0 release of the Progmod software for programming the Teragen SKU 3566 user-programmable Midland Syntech I Z-273 replacement module. 2. Release software ******************* This release contains the following files: PROGMOD.EXE README.TXT 3. Module Programming and Installation Instructions *************************************************** Programming the channel module ------------------------------ Before you begin, be sure that the PC parallel port is configured as LPT1 and set to EPP Mode in the bios setup or using the system configuration utility. The parallel port must be configured as LPT1 and set to EPP mode to access the module. The basic programming procedure is outlined below: 1. Use the included application mrp70.exe to create a binary file for programming the radio. Be sure to select the correct target radio model and module type (Z-273 for Midland radios). Use the menu choice File -> Save As to save the binary file containing the channel and radio configuration information. Each binary file can contain up to 80 channels, the new module has four channel banks allowing up to four different binary files (320 channels total) to be loaded. The additional channel banks (2-4) may be selected using the optional channel bank selector switch if installed (see order form below to purchase). 2. Connect the module to the PC parallel port using the metal DB-25 connector at the edge of the module. Avoid using an extension cable, connect the module directly to the LPT1 port on the PC or laptop if possible. Parallel port connections should always be made with the computer powered off to prevent damage to the port and/or module. 3. From a DOS-command prompt, use the included application progmod.exe to transfer the binary file(s) to the channel module. Run progmod.exe without specifying any files or parameters for details on program syntax and how to program specific channel banks, verification options, etc. Installing the channel module ----------------------------- Before proceeding, be sure to disconnect all power to the radio. Remove the radio top cover (two screws on each side) to access the Z-273 module. Remove the existing module by lifting gently upwards to disengage the connectors. If present, disconnect the optional CTCSS 8-pin connector/wire attached to the module and connect it to the new module at the connector designated J903. Install the new module and replace the top cover. Important! Be sure that the optional CTCSS connector is oriented correctly with the grey wire toward the front of the module (closest to the DB-25 connector) and the brown wire toward the rear of the radio. 4. Copyright/Disclaimer *********************** The Progmod.exe software is provided exclusively for use with the SKU3566 Z-273 replacement channel module available from Teragen Systems Inc. (www.RFGuys.com). Unauthorized use and/or distribution of the software is strictly prohibited. This software is provided "AS-IS" with no warranty. In no event shall the author of this software, Teragen Systems Inc., be held accountable for any damages or losses that may occur from use or misuse of the software. Optional channel bank selector switch order form ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To order an optional channel bank selector switch with wire and connector, send USD $24 by Paypal to sales@laptopupgrades.com or complete this form and return with payment (money order/cashier's check, payable to "Teragen") to the address below: Teragen Systems, PO Box 34536, 1268 Marine Dr., North Vancouver, BC V7P 1T2, Canada Customer information Transceiver information Name: _________________________________ Mfg: ______________________________ Email: _________________________________ Model: ______________________________ Qty: ___ Band: ______________________________ Addr: _________________________________ _________________________________ Payment Method: _____________________ _________________________________ Payment Date: _____________________ Note: Selector switch kit will be sent by Airmail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c)2005 Teragen Systems Inc.